The Life Unseen

So many people want to hear about what I am doing so here it is.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

22 March, already...

Well... Spring Break was here and now gone. I worked through Monday then went home to my parents. Made up a drill Wed.&Thurs. at the St.Paul hanger, worked my butt off fueling Blackhawks and Chinooks. First time in my military career I actually did my job!! AMAZING! Went to dinner with friends Wednesday night and it decided to snow like crazy in the cities which made driving terrible. Got home Thursday night and hung out with the fam. 'til Monday morning when I came back to college. I got new glasses... took pictures of the first day of spring and... Talked to Joe almost everyday which has been nice since he's in Iraq now. It's makes it so much different from him being here and not seeing him. I just want him back in the states!!! Just like everyone else whom has a loved one over there. All my buddies that were down south in Camp Shelby Mississippi should have left by now too. 3yrs... can you believe it? I remember being in basic training listening to Pres. Bush declare war over the loud speaker, just about everyone of us questioned ourselves that night of why we joined. I still do from time to time, but am proud of my decision. other than that I got nothing else at this time, have a great day!!


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