The Life Unseen

So many people want to hear about what I am doing so here it is.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Ok so hmm... so Jan 18th I had an interview at Great Clips. I got the job and started the 23rd. However, the 21st I went out to the bars and saw my manager and another soon to be coworker but don't remember talking to her. Ann and I went to Keg and had a few drinks then to the U bar. I decided to plunge a toilet that was broken and somehow got a free drink out of it. Then I saw the guy whom bought me and my friends a round the previous night and decided I had to share a shot with him. Well the night continued on and we closed the bar down and attempted to get to a party. Funny thing though I ended up getting on some ice and my car would not move. So some random in a trench coat, with a mini van and tow rope graciously helped me out. and... The best part of last night was...
a) the bouncer talking to your mom on your cell (ps I forgot about that one)
b) you getting a free drink for helping out in the bathroom
c) um, the dance floor
d) random in a trench coat who rescued us

And the answer is...d!!!

Jan. 27 I decided to show Ann St. Cloud... with Joe, Aaron, Scott, Ryan and Brendon. It was a blast once we got in...
Dear Blue Cross/Blue Shield,
Thank you for getting me into the bar in St. Cloud on Saturday.
Dear Colorado DMV,
You made my i.d. wrong.
Dear Red Carpet Bouncer,
Kiss my ass.
Ann Francis
The bouncer thought her ID was fake and made her pull everything else out of her wallet to prove it wasn't. The health card got her in and then the bouncer decided to tell her that her ID was really fake. ??? LOL It wasn't!!!!!!
Which brings me to tonight... Feb. 2 HAPPY GROUNDHOGS DAY!
I being upset about my grandmother passing away tipped a few back then decided to color Arlene's hair. LOL things went well with the test area so I applied it to her roots and then started to spread it around. Well as I was spreading I noticed a warm feeling under my hand... am I drunk or is it her hair?? LOL Needless to say Arlene touched her head and sure enough it was her hair. The box color we were using was having a chemical reaction with her color I applied in November. Note to everyone never lie about what you may have in your hair. Box colors do NOT mix well with professional colors. Who knows why but they don't. So that concludes my amazing story of life in college.
PS Joe made it into Special Forces and I know I should be happy for him but at the moment I am completely unsure of it.
PPS tonight was the first night that my sister and I drank together since she turnned 21 in Nov.


  • At Tue Feb 07, 12:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey hotty - just was catching up on you since i have been so out of the loop for the past month (to think i volunteered for it). i love ya like crazy and know that if we stick with it everything with will be great. the light at the end of the tunnel is going to be sweet! MUAH!! and i can't wait to see you in 2 days!!!!! -joe


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