The Life Unseen

So many people want to hear about what I am doing so here it is.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Field Trip

We went to the SPOD (Sea Port of Debarkation) today. It's a restricted area but we were allowed to take the 2 pics I got. Had a good time went on a HUGE vessel. In other news... we now have a 2230 curfew with no exceptions. We have to be in bed by that time. Crazy huh? IF we get to go out past that time we need an NCOIC and a signed slip from the Commander. WOW ok Mom can I skip school today??? Please write me a note saying I have a doctor appt. or something. What's next? Oh don't worry it will be here shortly and I will let you all know! We also filled out a comment form. They are done before deployment, during and after. Let me tell you I don't think these done during have anything good to say on them. WHEW I would hate to be reading them, because I know mine was depressing. Before we did the forms we had a Culture/Perception/Discrimination briefing. Perception to our company is reality. So now you know. Take Care and have a day!


  • At Wed Apr 20, 04:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Its cool that you got to do something different (SPOD). Sorry to hear about the curfew thing, I'm sure that does suck. Just know, it could be worse. I know thats the LAST thing you want to hear & you probably are thinking you'd rather be ANYWHERE but there. Trust me, i know. I too have been in a situation that I would've given ANYTHING to get out of, but in the end, it really wasn't ALL bad. Try your best to stay positive. In your pictures it sure looks like you're all having a blast! Remember the good times!! Stay safe & keep your head up!

  • At Thu Apr 21, 06:00:00 AM, Blogger explicitlyobviate said…

    I know, we all know, it could be worse. My argument is that why does it have to be bad when it really isn't? Oh well. you are right though when we do have a good time we do take a lot of pictures. The good times are getting slim though. Hopefully in the end it all works out for the best and we have learned some valuable lessons in life.


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