The Life Unseen

So many people want to hear about what I am doing so here it is.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Back in the USA = fun night, terrible day.

Hey everyone! I am back, currently in GA. The company was allowed to drink last night, which were I was went well. but some others couldn't control themsleves, got all rowdy, and are in trouble now. The only consequences I had to pay was my worst ever hangover today. It's after 7pm and I am finally functioning. UGH! no more, I over did it. Hope all is well with you and once I get back home I will post some more pics of all this craziness. take care.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Iowa: Cousin's wedding Posted by Picasa

Departure Day Posted by Picasa

County Fair Posted by Picasa

San Francisco Posted by Picasa

Las Vegas Posted by Picasa

Red Carpet Posted by Picasa

Family Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 08, 2005

8 August, 2005

Hello! I am back in Kuwait, safe and sound. Kinda crazy around here. My battle packed up what she could of my stuff and now I have to sort through what's left and mail most of it home. We are looking at leaving this place between now and the 20th. So I have it good... coming back from vacation for not quite 2 weeks and then coming home. very excited!!! R&R was an awesome 2 weeks. I will post some pictures when I get a chance. Hope all is well with everyone! BIG THANKS to all whom I got to see on vacation. It meant ALOT to me.